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Projects合作项目(Joint Projects)
主要合作项目(Joint Projects)
欧盟地平线2020项目“Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)”(2016–2021)
北极综合观测系统“Integrated Arctic Observation System (INTAROS)”(2016–2021)
贝尔蒙特项目“The potential of seasonal-to-decadal inter-regional linkages to advance climate predictions (InterDec)”(2016–2020)
北欧研究理事会项目“Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH) ”(2016–2020)
挪威研究理事会项目“The changing Arctic Cryosphere: snow and sea ice impact on prediction and climate over Europe and Asia (SnowGlace)” (2015–2018)
北欧研究理事会项目“Impact of Future Sea Ice and Snow Cover Changes on Climate, Green Growth and Society (GREENICE)” (2014–2017)
挪威研究理事会项目“Exploring decadal to century scale variability and changes in the East Asian climate during the last Millennium (DecCen)” (2009–2012)