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The paper works1) Chen D., S. Qiao, X. Zhu, H. Cheung, N. Freychet, X. Hao, S. Tang, G. Feng, 2021: Anthropogenic influence on Northern Hemisphere blocking during the winter 1960/1961–2012/2013. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 094029.
2) Chen H., and J. Sun, 2021: Anthropogenic influence has increased climate extreme occurrence over China. Science Bulletin, 66, 749–752.
3) Chen H., and J. Sun, 2021: Significant increase of the global population exposure to increased precipitation extremes in the future. Earth's Future, 9, e2020EF001941.
4) Dai G., Z. Zhang, O. Otterå, P. Langebroek, Q. Yan, and R. Zhang, 2021: A modeling study of the tripole pattern of east China precipitation over the past 425 ka. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033513.
5) Gu L., J. Sun, S. Yu, and M. Zhang, 2021: Footprints of Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the interdecadal variation of Consecutive Cloudy–Rainy Events in Southern China. Atmospheric Research, 257, 105609.
6) Guo D., N. Pepin, K. Yang, J. Sun, and D. Li, 2021: Local changes in snow depth dominate the evolving pattern of elevation-dependent warming on the Tibetan Plateau. Science Bulletin, 66, 1146–1150.
7) Hong H., J. Sun, and H. Wang, 2021: Variations in summer extreme high-temperature events over northern Asia and the possible mechanisms. Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0043.1.
8) Kong X., A. Wang, X. Bi, B. Sun, and J. Wei, 2021: The hourly precipitation frequencies in the tropical-belt version of WRF: sensitivity to cumulus parameterization and radiation schemes. Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0854.1.
9) Lin W., and H. Chen, 2021: Changes in the spatial-temporal characteristics of daily snowfall events over the Eurasian continent from 1980 to 2019. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7339.
10) Liu S., J. Wang, J. Wei, and H. Wang, 2021: Hydrological simulation evaluation with WRF-Hydro in a large and highly complicated watershed: The Xijiang River basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 38, 100943.
11) Liu Y., H. Chen, and X. Hu, 2021: The unstable relationship between the precipitation dipole pattern in the Tibetan Plateau and summer NAO. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091941.
12) Liu Y., H. Chen, H. Li, G. Zhang, and H. Wang, 2021: What induces the interdecadal shift of the dipole patterns of summer precipitation trends over the Tibetan Plateau? International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7122.
13) Liu Y., Y. Zhu, and H. Chen, 2021: Interannual variability in August drought in northern China and the corresponding climate shift. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2020JD034105.
14) Ma J., and J. Sun, 2021: New statistical prediction scheme for monthly precipitation variability in the rainy season over northeastern China. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7154.
15) Nie Y., and J. Sun, 2021: Synoptic-scale circulation precursors of extreme precipitation events over southwest China during the rainy season. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD035134.
16) Tian B., and K. Fan, 2021: Absence of tropical cyclone genesis over the western North Pacific in July 2020 and its prediction by CFSv2. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.771172.
17) Tian Y., Y. Gao, and D. Guo, 2021: The relationship between melt season sea ice over the Bering Sea and Summer precipitation over mid-latitude East Asia. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38, 918–930.
18) Wang D., A. Wang, and X. Kong, 2021: Homogenization of the daily land surface temperature over the mainland of China from 1960 through 2017. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38, 1811−1822.
19) Xu H., H. Chen, and H. Wang, 2021: Future changes in precipitation extremes across China based on CMIP6 models. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7264.
20) Xu H. W., H. Chen, and H. Wang, 2021: Interannual variation in summer extreme precipitation over Southwestern China and the possible associated mechanisms. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7027.
21) Xu L., A. Wang, W. Yu, and S. Yang, 2021: Hot spots of extreme precipitation change under 1.5 and 2 °C global warming scenarios. Weather and Climate Extremes, 33, 100357.
22) Yan Q., L. Owen, Z. Zhang, H. Wang, T. Wei, N. Jiang, and R. Zhang, 2021: Divergent evolution of glaciation across High-Mountain Asia during the last four glacial-interglacial cycles. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092411.
23) Yan Q., R. Korty, T. Wei, and N. Jiang, 2021: A westward shift in tropical cyclone potential intensity and genesis regions in the North Atlantic during the Last Interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093946.
24) Zeng Z., and J. Sun, 2021: Characteristics of spring consecutive dry days with different durations across China based on the objective zoning approach. Atmospheric Science Letters, doi:10.1002/asl.1035.
25) Zeng Z., and J. Sun, 2022: Decadal change of extreme consecutive dry days in spring over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River around the early 2000s: The synergistic effect of mega-El Niño/Southern Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, and Arctic sea ice. Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105936.
26) Zhang M., and J. Sun, 2021: Impact of October snow cover in central Siberia on the following spring extreme precipitation frequency in southern China. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.785601.
27) Zhang M., J. Sun, and Y. Gao, 2021: Impacts of North Atlantic sea surface temperature on the predominant modes of spring precipitation monthly evolution over Northeast China. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-021-05966-8.
1) Cao B., and Z. Yin, 2020: Future atmospheric circulations benefit ozone pollution control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei with global warming. Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140645.
2) Chen H., J. Sun, and H. Li, 2020: Increase population exposure to precipitation extremes under future warmer climates. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 034048.
3) Chen H., J. Sun, and W. Lin, 2020: Anthropogenic influence would increase intense snowfall events over parts of the Northern Hemisphere in the future. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 114022.
4) Chen H., J. Sun, W. Lin, and H. Xu, 2020: Comparison of CMIP6 and CMIP5 models in simulating climate extremes. Science Bulletin, 65, 1415–1418.
5) Chen P., and B. Sun, 2020: Improving the dynamical seasonal prediction of western Pacific warm pool sea surface temperatures using a physical-empirical model. International Journal of Climatology, 40, 4657–4675.
6) Dai H., and K. Fan, 2020: Skillful two-month-leading hybrid climate prediction for winter temperature over China. International Journal of Climatology, 40, 4922–4943.
7) Guo D., J. Sun, H. Li, T. Zhang, and V. Romanovsky, 2020: Attribution of historical near-surface permafrost degradation to anthropogenic greenhouse gas warming. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 084040.
8) Guo D., Y. Zhang, X. Gao, N. Pepin, and J. Sun, 2020: Evaluation and ensemble projection of extreme high and low temperature events in China from four dynamical downscaling simulations. International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.6765.
9) Han T., M. Zhang, B. Zhou, X. Hao, and S. Li, 2020: Strengthened relationship between tropical West Pacific and midsummer precipitation over Northeast China after the mid-1990s. Journal of Climate, 33, 6833–6848.
10) Han T., S. Li., X. Hao, and X. Guo, 2020: A statistical prediction model for summer extreme precipitation days over the northern central China. International Journal of Climatology, 40, 4189–4202.
11) Han T., X. Guo, B. Zhou, and X. Hao, 2020: Recent Changes in Heavy Precipitation Events in Northern Central China and Associated Atmospheric Circulation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, doi.org/10.1007/s13143-020-00195-1.
12) He S., J. Wang, and S. Liu, 2020: Rainfall Event–Duration Thresholds for Landslide Occurrences in China. Water, 12, 494, doi:10.3390/w12020494.
13) Hong H., J. Sun, and H. Wang, 2020: Interdecadal variation in the frequency of extreme hot events in Northeast China and the possible mechanism. Atmospheric Research, 105065.
14) Ji L., and K. Fan, 2020: Effect of Atlantic sea surface temperature in May on intraseasonal variability of Eurasian NDVI in summer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, doi:10.1029/2019JD031991.
15) Jiang N., and Q. Yan, 2020: Evolution of the meridional shift of the subtropical and subpolar westerly jet over the Southern Hemisphere during the past 21,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 246, 106544, doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106544.
16) Jiang N., Q. Yan, and H. Wang, 2020: Variation of the summer Asian westerly jet over the Last Millennium based on the PMIP3 simulations. The Holocene, 30, 332–343.
17) Jiang N., Q. Yan, Z. Xu, J. Shi, and R. Zhang, 2020: The meridional shift of the midlatitude westerlies over arid central Asia during the past 21000 years based on the TraCE-21ka simulations. Journal of Climate, 33, 7455–78.
18) Kong X., A. Wang, X. Bi, and J. Wei, 2020: Daily precipitation characteristics of RegCM4 and WRF in China and their interannual variations. Climate Research, doi:10.3354/cr01621.
19) Kong X., A. Wang, X. Bi, X. Li, and H. Zhang, 2020: Effects of horizontal resolution on hourly precipitation in AGCM simulations. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21, 643–670.
20) Li H., H. Chen, B. Sun, and H. Wang, 2020: A detectable anthropogenic shift toward intensified summer hot drought events over northeastern China. Earth and Space Science, doi.org/10.1029/2019EA000836.
21) Li H., K. Fan, S. He, Y. Liu, X. Yuan, and H. Wang, 2020: Intensified impacts of central Pacific ENSO on the reversal of December and January surface air temperature anomaly over China since 1997. Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0048.1.
22) Li X., and J. Sun, 2020: Rainy season onset over Northeast China and the related atmospheric circulations. International Journal of Climatology, 40, 4750–4762.
23) Li Y., and Z. Yin, 2020: Melting of perennial sea ice in the Beaufort Sea enhanced its impacts on early-winter haze pollution in north China after the nid-1990s. Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-19-0694.1.
24) Liu Y., and S. He, 2020: Strengthened linkage between November/December North Atlantic Oscillation and subsequent January European precipitation after the late 1980s. Journal of Climate, 33, 8281–8300.
25) Liu Y., H. Chen, G. Zhang, J. Sun, H. Li, and H. Wang, 2020: Changes in lake area in the Inner Mongolian Plateau under climate change: The role of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Arctic sea ice. Journal of Climate, 33, 1335–1349.
26) Liu Y., H. Chen, H. Li, and H. Wang, 2020: The impact of preceding spring Antarctic oscillation on the variations of lake ice phenology over the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Climate, 33, 639–656.
27) Miao Y., and A. Wang, 2020: A daily 0.25°× 0.25° hydrologically based land surface flux dataset for conterminous China, 1961–2017. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125413.
28) Miao Y., and A. Wang, 2020: Evaluation of routed-runoff from land surface models and reanalyses using observed streamflow in Chinese river basins. Journal of Meteorological Research, 34, 73–87.
29) Nie Y., and J. Sun, 2020: Evaluation of High-Resolution Precipitation Products over Southwest China. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21, 2691–2712.
30) Wang A., and X. Kong, 2020: Regional climate model simulation of soil moisture and its application in drought reconstruction across China from 1911 to 2010. International Journal of Climatology, doi.org/10.1002/joc.6748.
31) Wang D., A. Wang, L. Xu, and X. Kong, 2020: The Linkage between two types of El Niño events and summer streamflow over the Yellow and Yangtze River Basins. Advance in Atmosphere Science, 37, 160–172.
32) Xie R., and A. Wang, 2020: Comparison of ten potential evapotranspiration models and their attribution analyses for ten Chinese drainage basins. Advance Atmosphere Science, 37, 959–974.
33) Xu Z., and K. Fan, 2020: Prolonged periodicity and eastward shift of the January North Pacific Oscillation since the Mid-1990s and its linkage with sea ice anomalies in the Barents Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032484, doi:10.1029/2020jd032484.
34) Yan Q., L. Owen, Z. Zhang, N. Jiang, and R. Zhang, 2020: Deciphering the Evolution and Forcing Mechanisms of Glaciation over the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen during the Past 20,000 Years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 541, 116295.
35) Yan Q., R. Korty, Z. Zhang, C. Brierley, X. Li, and H. Wang, 2020. Large Shift of the Pacific Walker Circulation across the Cenozoic. National Science Review, doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaa101.
36) Yin Z., and X. Ma, 2020: Meteorological Conditions Contributed to Changes in Dominant Patterns of Summer Ozone Pollution in Eastern China. Environmental Research Letters, doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abc915.
37) Yu S., and J. Sun, 2020: Conditional impacts of boreal autumn North Atlantic SST anomaly on winter tropospheric Asian polar vortex. Climate Dynamics, doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05507-9.
38) Yu S., and J. Sun, 2020: Potential factors modulating ENSO’s influences on the East Asian trough in boreal winter. International Journal of Climatology, 40, 5066–5083.
39) Zhang M., and J. Sun, 2020: Increased role of late winter sea surface temperature variability over northern tropical Atlantic in spring precipitation prediction over Northeast China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033232, doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033232.
40) Zong P., Y. Zhu, H. Wang, and D. Liu, 2020: WRF-Chem Simulation of Winter Visibility in Jiangsu, China, and the Application of a Neural Network Algorithm. Atmosphere, 11, 520, doi:10.3390/atmos11050520.
1) Chen, H. P., H. J. Wang, J. Q. Sun, Y. Y. Xu, and Z. C. Yin, 2019: Anthropogenic fine particulate matter pollution will be exacerbated in eastern China due to 21st century GHG warming. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 233-243.
2) Shuangshuang HE, Jun WANG, Huijun WANG, 2019: Projection of Landslides in China during the 21st Century under the RCP8.5 Scenario. J. Meteor. Res., 33(1), 138-148.
3) 马洁华,孙建奇,汪君,等, 2019: 2018年夏季我国极端降水及滑坡泥石流灾害预测. 大气科学学报, 42(1), 93-99.
4) 何爽爽,汪君,王会军, 2019: 滑坡泥石流大尺度统计预报模型的实时检验. 大气科学学报, 42(1), 78-92.
5) Peishu Zong, Yali Zhu, and Jianping Tang, 2019: Sensitivity of summer precipitation in regional spectral model simulations over eastern China to physical schemes: Daily, extreme and diurnal cycle. International Journal of Climatology, , DOI: 10.1002/joc.6077.
6) Yali Zhu, Yang Liu, Huijun Wang, and Jianqi Sun, 2019: Changes in the interannual summer drought variation along with the regime shift over Northwest China in the late 1980s. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 2868–2881.
7) Guo Donglin, Sun Jianqi, Yang Kun, Pepin Nick, Xu Yongming, 2019: Revisiting recent elevation-dependent warming on the Tibetan Plateau using satellite-based datasets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 8511–8521.
8) Guo Donglin, Sun Jianqi, Yang Kun, Pepin Nick, Xu Yongming, Xu Zhiqing, Wang Huijun, 2019: Satellite data reveal southwestern Tibetan Plateau cooling since 2001 due to snow-albedo feedback. International Journal of Climatology, 40, 1644–1655.
9) Chen, H. P., and J. Q. Sun, 2020: Increased population exposure to precipitation extremes in China under global warming scenarios. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 13(1), 63-70.
10) Liu, Y., H. P. Chen, G. Q. Zhang, J. Q. Sun, and H. J. Wang, 2019: Then advanced South Asian monsoon onset accelerates lake expansion over the Tibetan Plateau. Science Bulletin, 64, 1486-1489.
11) Liu, R., L. Mao, S. C. Liu, Y. H. Zhang, H. Liao, H. P. Chen, and Y. H. Wang, 2019: Comment on "Insignificant effect of clmate change on winter haze pollution in Beijing" by Shen et al. (2018). Atmospheric and Chemistry Physics, 19, 8563-8568.
12) Chen, H. P., H. J. Wang, J. Q. Sun, Y. Y. Xu, and Z. C. Yin, 2019: Anthropogenic fine particulate matter pollution will be exacerbated in eastern China due to 21st century GHG warming. Atmospheric and Chemistry Physics, 19, 233-243.
13) Chen, H. P., and J. Q. Sun, 2019: Increased population exposure to extreme droughts in China due to 0.5oC of additional warming. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 064011
14) Wei Ting, Yan Qing*, and Ding Minghu (2019). Distribution and temporal trends of temperature extremes over Antarctica. Enviromental Reserach Letters, 14, 084040.
15) Yan Qing, Korty Robert, Zhang Zhongshi, and Wang Huijun (2019). Evolution of tropical cyclone genesis regions during the Cenozoic era. Nature Communications, 10, 3076, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-11110-2.
16) Yan Qing, Wei Ting, Zhang Zhongshi, and Jiang Nanxuan (2019). Orbitally induced variation of tropical cyclone genesis potential over the western North Pacific during the mid-Piacenzian warm period: A modeling pespective. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34, 902–916.
17) Yan Qing, Wei Ting, and Zhang Zhongshi (2019). Reexamination of the Late Pliocene Climate over China Using a 25-km Resolution General Circulation Model. Journal of Climate, 32, 897–916.
18) Yan Qing, Zhang Zhongshi, Zhang Ran (2019). Potential impacts of enhanced tropical cyclone activity on the El Niño–Southern Oscillation and East Asian monsoon in the mid-Piacenzian warm period. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 12:1, 1–11.
1) Li H. X., H. P. Chen, H. J. Wang, and E. T. Yu, 2018: Future precipitation changes over China under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C global warming targets by using CORDEX regional climate models. Science of The Total Environment, 640-641, 543-554.
2) Entao Yu, Ran Zhang, Dabang Jiang, Gilles Ramstein, Zhongshi Zhang, Jianqi Sun, 2018: High-resolution simulation of Asian monsoon response to regional uplift of the Tibetan Plateau with regional climate model nested with global climate model. Global and Planetary Change, 169, 34-47.
3) Zhang, R., D. Jiang, G. Ramstein, Z. Zhang, P. C. Lippert, and E. Yu, 2018: Changes in Tibetan Plateau latitude as an important factor for understanding East Asian climate since the Eocene: A modeling study. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 484, 295-308.
4) Wang Tao, Miao Jiapeng, 2018: Twentieth-century Pacific Decadal Oscillation simulated by CMIP5 coupled models. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11(1), 94-101.
5) Wang Tao, Miao Jiapeng, Sun Jianqi, Fu Yuanhai, 2018: Intensified East Asian summer monsoon and associated precipitation mode shift under the 1.5 °C global warming target. Advances in Climate Change Research, 9(2), 102-111.
6) 何爽爽,汪君,王会军, 2018: 基于卫星降水和WRF预报降水的“6.18”门头沟泥石流事件的回报检验研究. 大气科学, 42(3), 590-606.
7) Hua Wei, Lin Zouxin, Guo Donglin, Fan Guangzhou, Zhang Yongli, Yang Kaiqin, Hu Qin, Zhu Lihua, 2018: Simulated long-term vegetation–climate feedbacks in the Tibetan Plateau. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , https://doi.org/10.1007/s13143-018-0056-5.
8) ZHU Ya-Li, WANG Hui-Jun, WANG Tao & GUO Dong, 2018: Extreme spring cold spells in North China during 1961–2014 and the evolving processes. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11(5), 432-437.
9) Miao, J., Wang, T., Wang, H., Zhu, Y., & Sun, J., 2018: Interdecadal Weakening of the East Asian Winter Monsoon in the mid-1980s: The Roles of External Forcings. Journal of Climate, 31(21), 8985-9000.
10) Liu, Y., H. P. Chen*, H. J. Wang, and Y. B. Qiu, 2018: The Impact of the NAO on the Delayed Break-Up Date of Lake Ice over the Southern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Climate, 31, 9073-9086.
11) 孙建奇,马洁华,陈活泼,汪君,于恩涛,田宝强, 2018: 降尺度方法在东亚气候预测中的应用. 大气科学, 42, 806-822.
12) Guo Donglin, Li Duo, Hua Wei, 2018: Quantifying air temperature evolution in the permafrost region from 1901 to 2014. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 66–76.
13) Guo Donglin, Sun Jianqi, Yu Entao, 2018: Evaluation of CORDEX regional climate models in simulating temperature and precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11, 219–227.
14) Guo Donglin, Wang Aihui, Li Duo, Hua Wei, 2018: Simulation of changes in the near-surface soil freeze/thaw cycle using CLM4.5 with four atmospheric forcing datasets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 2509–2523.
15) 孙建奇,马洁华,陈活泼,汪君,于恩涛,田宝强., 2018: 降尺度方法在东亚气候预测中的应用. 大气科学, 42, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1801.17266.
16) Chen, H. P., and J. Q. Sun, 2018: Projected changes in climate extremes in China in a 1.5oC warmer world. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.5521, .
17) Miao Jiapeng, Wang Tao, Wang Huijun, Sun Jianqi, 2018: InterannualWeakening of the Tropical PacificWalker Circulation Due to Strong Tropical Volcanism. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35(6), 645–658.
20) Han, T. T., H. P. Chen, X. Hao, and H. J. Wang, 2018: Projected changes in temperature and precipitation extremes over the Silk Road Economic Belt regions by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 multi-model ensembles. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.5553, .
21) Li H. X., H. P. Chen, H. J. Wang, J. Q. Sun, and J. H. Ma, 2018: Can Barents Sea ice decline in spring enhance summer hot drought events over northeastern China?. Journal of Climate, 31, 4705-4725.
2) Gao Ya, Wang Huijun, Chen Dong, 2017: Interdecadal variations of the South Asian summer monsoon circulation variability and the associated sea surface temperatures on interannual scales. 34, 7, 816-832.
3) Gao Ya, 2017: Shift of the principal mode of Pan-Asian monsoon summer precipitation in terms of spatial pattern. 10, 3, 221-227.
4) Chen, H. P., and J. Q. Sun, 2017: Anthropogenic warming has caused hot droughts more frequently in China. Journal of Hydrology, 544, 306-318.
5) Guo Donglin, Wang Huijun, 2017: Permafrost degradation and associated ground settlement estimation under 2 °C global warming. Climate Dynamics, 49, 2569–2583.
6) 郭东林, 李多, 刘广岳, 2017: 1901~2010年青藏高原土壤温度变化的模拟研究. 第四纪研究, 37, 1101–1109.
7) Yin, Z. C., H. J. Wang, and H. P. Chen, 2017: Understanding severe winter haze events in the North China Plain in 2014: roles of climate anomalies. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 1641-1651.
8) Chen, H. P., and J. Q. Sun, 2017: Contribution of human influence to increased daily precipitation extremes over China. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 2436-2444.
9) Chen, H. P., and J. Q. Sun, 2017: Characterizing present and future drought changes over eastern China. Int. J. Climatol., , doi:10.1002/joc.4987.
10) Li, H. X., H. P. Chen, and H. J. Wang, 2017: Effects of anthropogenic activity emerging as intensified extreme precipitation over China. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JD026251.
11) Chen, H. P., J. Q. Sun, and H. X. Li, 2017: Future changes in precipitation extremes over China using the NEX-GDDP high-resolution daily downscaled data-set. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., , doi:10.1080/16742834.2017.1367625.
12) Li, S. L., Z. Han, and H. P. Chen, 2017: A Comparison of the Effects of Interannual Arctic Sea Ice Loss and ENSO on Winter Haze Days: Observational Analyses and AGCM Simulations. J. Meteor. Res., 31(5), doi:10.1007/s13351-017-7017-2.
13) Yang Liu, Shengping He, Fei Li, Huijun Wang, and Yali Zhu, 2017: Interdecadal change between the Arctic Oscillation and East Asian climate during 1900-2015 winters. Int. J. Climatol., , .
14) Hao Xin, Shengping He, 2017: Combined Effect of ENSO-Like and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation SSTAs on the Interannual Variability of the East Asian Winter Monsoon. Journal of Climate, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0118.1, .
16) Liu Yang, Shengping He, Fei Li, Huijun Wang, Yali Zhu, 2017: Interdecadal change between the Arctic Oscillation and East Asian climate during 1900–2015 winters. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5123, .
17) Han Tingting, Shengping He, Huijun Wang, Xin Hao, 2017: Enhanced influence of early-spring tropical Indian Ocean SST on the following early-summer precipitation over Northeast China. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3669-y, .
18) Xu Xinping, Shengping He, Fei Li, Huijun Wang, 2017: Impact of northern Eurasian snow cover in autumn on the warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern during the following January and its linkage to stationary planetary waves. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3732-8, .
21) He Shengping, Yang Liu, Huijun Wang, 2017: Connection between the Silk Road Pattern in July and the following January temperature over East Asia. Journal of Meteorological Research, 31(2), 378-388.
22) Yang Ruowen, Jian Wang, Tianyu Zhang, Shengping He, 2017: Change in the relationship between the Australian summer monsoon circulation and boreal summer precipitation over Central China in the late 1990s. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, doi.org/10.1007/s00703-017-0556-3, .
23) Guo Donglin, Wang Huijun, 2017: Simulated historical (1901-2010) changes in the permafrost extent and active layer thickness in the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 12285–12295.
24) Guo Donglin, Wang Huijun, Wang Aihui, 2017: Sensitivity of historical simulation of the permafrost to different atmospheric forcing datasets from 1979 to 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 12269–12284.
1) Jiang, D., Z. Tian, and X. Lang, 2016: Reliability of climate models for China through the IPCC Third to Fifth Assessment Reports. International Journal of Climatology, 36(3), 1114–1133, doi:10.1002/joc.4406.
2) 汪君, 王会军, HONG Yang, 2016: 一个新的高分辨率洪涝动力数值监测预报系统. 科学通报, 61(4-5), 518-528.
3) Jun Wang, Huijun Wang, Yang Hong, 2016: Comparison of satellite-estimated and model-forecasted rainfall data during a deadly debris-flow event in Zhouqu, Northwest China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 9(2), 139-145.
4) Liu, Y., and D. Jiang, 2016: Mid-Holocene permafrost: Results from CMIP5 simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(1), 221–240.
5) Liu, Y., and D. Jiang, 2016: Last glacial maximum permafrost in China from CMIP5 simulations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 447, 12–21.
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22) Hao Xin, Fei Li, Jianqi Sun, Huijun Wang, and Shengping He, 2016: Assessment of the response of the East Asian winter monsoon to ENSO-like SSTAs in three U.S. CLIVAR Project models. International Journal of Climatology, 36(2), 847-866.
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13) HE Shengping, 2015: Potential connection between the Australian summer monsoon circulation and summer precipitation over central China. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 8, 120-126.
14) Baoqiang Tian,Ke Fan, 2015: Seasonal Prediction Assessment of the South Asian Summer Monsoon: ENSEMBLES versus DEMETER. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 8(4), 208–214.
15) Chen, H.P., and H. J. Wang, 2015: Haze Days in North China and the associated atmospheric circulations based on daily visibility data from 1960 to 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 120, DOI:10.1002/2015JD023225.
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18) Tian, Z., and D. Jiang, 2015: Revisiting mid-Holocene temperature over China using PMIP3 simulations. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 8, 358-364, doi:10.3878/AOSL20150040.
19) Yu Entao, Xiang Weiling, 2015: Projected Climate Change in the Northwestern Arid Regions of China: An Ensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 8 (3), 134-142.
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23) Zhu, Y. L., H. J. Wang, J. H. Ma, T. Wang, and J. Q. Sun, 2015: Contribution of the phase transition of Pacific decadal oscillation to the late 1990s’ shift in East China summer rainfall. Journal of Geophysical Research, 120(17), 8817-8827.
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28) He Shengping, 2015: Asymmetry in the Arctic Oscillation teleconnection with January cold extremes in Northeast China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 8(6), 386-391.
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1) Wang H. J., Jian-Qi Sun, Huo-Po Chen, Ya-Li Zhu, Ying Zhang, Da-Bang Jiang, Xian-Mei Lang, Ke Fan, En-Tao Yu, and Song Yang, 2012: Extreme Climate in China: Facts, Simulation and Projection. Meteorologische Zeitschrift,, DOI 10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0330, .
2) Yan, Q., Zhang, Z. S., Wang, H. J., Gao, Y. Q., and Zheng, W. P., 2012: Set-up and preliminary_ results of Middle Pliocene climate simulations with CAM3.1. Geosci. Model Dev, 5, 289-297.
3) Wang, T., O.H. Otterå, Y.Q. Gao, and H.J. Wang, 2012: The response of the North Pacific Decadal Variability to strong tropical volcanic eruptions. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1373-5, .
4) 贺圣平,王会军, 2012: 东亚冬季风综合指数及其表达的东亚冬季风年际变化特征. 大气科学, 36(3), 523-538.
5) Li, F., and H. J. Wang, 2012: Predictability of the East Asian Winter Monsoon Interannual Variability as Indicated by the DEMETER CGCMS. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 29(3), 441–454.
6) Sun, J. Q., and H. J. Wang, 2012: Changes of the connection between the summer North Atlantic Oscillation and the East Asian summer rainfall. J. Geophys. Res, 117, D08110, doi:10.1029/2012JD017482.
7) Wang, S., E. Yu, and H. Wang, 2012: A simulation study of a heavy rainfall process over the Yangtze River valley using the two-way nesting approach. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 29(4), 731-743.
8) Chen, Huopo, Jianqi Sun, Huijun Wang, 2012: A Statistical Downscaling Model for Forecasting Summer Rainfall in China from DEMETER Hindcast Datasets. Wea. Forecasting, 27, 608–628.
9) Wang H.J. and S.P. He, 2012: Weakening Relationship between East Asian Winter Monsoon and ENSO after mid-1970s. Chinese Science Bulletin, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5285-x, .
10) Huanlian Li, Huijun Wang, Yizhou Yin, 2012: Interdecadal variation of the West African summer monsoon during 1979–2010 and associated variability. Clim Dyn, doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1426-9, .
11) Wang, H. J., and H. P. Chen, 2012: Climate control for southeastern China moisture and precipitation: Indian or East Asian monsoon?. J. Geophys. Res, 117, D12109, doi:10.1029/2012JD017734.
12) MA JieHua, WANG HuiJun, ZHANG Ying, 2012: Will boreal winter precipitation over China increase in the future? The AGCM simulation under summer ‘ice-free Arctic’ conditions,. China Science Bulletin, 57(8), 921-926.
13) 何晏春,郜永祺, 王会军,Johannessen M Ola,于雷, 2012: 2011年3月日本福岛核电站核泄漏在海洋中的传输. 海洋学报, 34, 12-20.
14) 黄艳艳,王会军, 2012: 欧亚地区夏季大气环流年际变化的关键区及亚洲夏季风的关联信号. 地球物理学报, 55(7), 2227-2238.
15) He Shengping, Wang Huijun, 2012: Analysis of the decadal and interdecadal variations of the East Asian winter monsoon as simulated by 20 coupled models in IPCC AR4. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(4), 476-488 .
16) 田芝平, 姜大膀, 张冉, 隋月, 2012: CCSM4.0的长期积分试验及其对东亚和中国气候模拟的评估. 大气科学, 36(3), 619-632.
17) Tian, B.-Q., and K. Fan, 2012: Relationship between the late spring NAO and summer extreme precipitation frequency in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 5(6), 445-460.
18) Sui, Y., and X. Lang, 2012: Monsoon Change in East Asia in the 21st Century: Results of RegCM3. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 5(6), 504-508.
19) Jiang, D., X. Lang, Z. Tian, and T. Wang, 2012: Considerable model-data mismatch in temperature over China during the mid-Holocene: Results of PMIP simulations. Journal of Climate, 25, 4135-4153.
20) 田芝平,姜大膀,张冉,隋月, 2012: CCSM4.0的长期积分试验及其对东亚和中国气候模拟的评估. 大气科学, 36, 619-632.
21) Zhang, R., D. Jiang, X. Liu, and Z. Tian, 2012: Modeling the climate effects of different subregional uplifts within the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau on Asian summer monsoon evolution. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57, 4617-4626.
22) Wang, H. J., J. Q. Sun, H. P. Chen, Y. L. Zhu, Y. Zhang, D. B. Jiang, X. M. Lang, K. Fan, E. T. Yu, and S. Yang, 2012: Extreme Climate in China: Fact, Simulation and Projection. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21(3), 279-304.
23) Zhu, Y. L., 2012: Variations of the summer Somali and Australia cross-equatorial flows and the implications for the Asian summer monsoon. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 29(3), 509-513.
24) 王会军,孙建奇,祝亚丽, 2012: 中国极端气候及东亚地区能量和水分循环研究的若干近期进展. 自然杂志, 34(1), 10-18.
25) Chen, H.P., J.Q. Sun, and H.J. Wang , 2012: A Statistical Downscaling Model for Forecasting Summer Rainfall in China from DEMETER Hindcast Datasets. Weather and Forecasting, 27, 608-628.
26) Sun, J.Q., and H.P. Chen, 2012: A statistical downscaling scheme to improve global precipitation forecasting. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 117, 87-102.
27) Chen, H.P., J.Q. Sun, X.L. Chen, and W. Zhou , 2012: CGCM projections of heavy rainfall events in China. International Journal of Climatology, 32, 441-450.
28) Wang, H.J., and H.P. Chen, 2012: Climate control for southeastern China moisture and precipitation: Indian or East Asian monsoon?. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D12109, doi:10.1029/2012JD017734.
29) Chen, H.P., J.Q. Sun, and K. Fan, 2012: Decadal Features of Heavy Rainfall Events in Eastern China. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(3), 289-303.
30) Wang, H.J., J.Q. Sun, H.P. Chen, et al., 2012: Extreme Climate in China: Facts, Simulation and Projection. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21(3), 279-304.
31) Fan, K., Y. Liu, and H.P. Chen, 2012: Improving the Prediction of the East Asian Summer Monsoon: New Approaches. Weather and Forecasting, 27, 1017-1030.
32) 陈活泼,孙建奇,范可, 2012: 新疆夏季降水年代际转型的归因分析. 地球物理学报, 55(6), 1844-1851.
33) 陈活泼,孙建奇,陈晓丽, 2012: 我国夏季降水及相关大气环流场未来变化的 预估及不确定性分析. 气候与环境研究, 17(2), 171-183.
34) 贺圣平,王会军, 2012: 东亚冬季风综合指数及其表达的东亚冬季风年际变化特征. 大气科学, 36(3), 523-538.
35) Li Fei and Huijun Wang, 2012: Predictability of the East Asian winter monsoon interannual variability as indicated by the DEMETER CGCMS. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29, 441-454.
36) Li Fei and Huijun Wang, 2012: Autumn Sea Ice Cover, Winter Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode, and Winter Precipitation in Eurasia. Journal of Climate, 26, 3968-3981.
37) He Shengping, Huijun Wang, 2012: Analysis of the decadal and interdecadal variations of the East Asian winter monsoon as simulated by 20 coupled models in IPCC AR4. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 26, 476-488.
38) Wang Huijun, Shengping He, 2012: Weakening Relationship between East Asian Winter Monsoon and ENSO after mid-1970s. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(27), 3535-3540.
39) Wang Shuzhou, Yu Entao, Wang Huijun, 2012: A simulation study of a heavy rainfall process over the Yangtze River valley using the two-way nesting approach. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 29, 731-743.
40) 黄艳艳, 王会军, 2012: 欧亚地区夏季大气环流年际变化的关键区及亚洲夏季风的关联信号. 地球物理学报, 55 2227–2238, .
41) Ma Jiehua, Wang Huijun, Zhang Ying, 2012: Will boreal winter precipitation over China increase in the future?. The AGCM simulation under summer ‘ice-free Arctic’ conditions. China Science Bulletin, 57(8), 921-926.
42) 宗培书,王会军, 2012: RegCM3对中国淮河流域降水模拟能力的检验及分析. 气象学报, 70(2), 253-260.
43) 宗培书,王会军, 2012: Evaluation and Analysis of RegCM3 Simulated Summer Rainfall over the Huaihe River Basin of China. 气象学报(英文版), 25(3), 386-394.
44) Wang H. J., Jian-Qi Sun, Huo-Po Chen, Ya-Li Zhu, Ying Zhang, Da-Bang Jiang, Xian-Mei Lang, Ke Fan, En-Tao Yu, and Song Yang, 2012: Extreme Climate in China: Fact, Simulation and Projection. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21(3), 279-304.
45) Ma Jiehua, Wang Huijun, Zhang Ying, 2012: Will boreal winter precipitation over China increase in the future?. The AGCM simulation under summer ‘ice-free Arctic’ conditions. China Science Bulletin, 57(8), 921-926.
46) Zhang Y. and J. Q. Sun, , 2012: Model Projection of Precipitation minus Evaporation over China. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(3), 376–388.
47) Guo Donglin, Wang Huijun, Li Duo, 2012: A projection of permafrost degradation on the Tibetan Plateau during the 21st century. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D05106, doi:10.1029/2011JD016545.
48) Luo, F., S. Li, Y. Gao, and T. Furevik, 2012: A new method for predicting decadal component of global SST. Atmos. Ocn. Sci. Lett., 5(6), 521-526.
49) Guo Donglin, Wang Huijun, 2012: The significant climate warming in the northern Tibetan Plateau and its possible causes. International Journal of Climatology, 32, 1775–1781.
50) Wang, T., O.H. Otterå, Y.Q. Gao, and H.J. Wang, 2012: The response of the North Pacific Decadal Variability to strong tropical volcanic eruptions. Climate Dynamics, 39, 2917-2936.
51) Zeng, X., Z. Wang, and A. Wang, 2012: Surface skin temperature and the interplay between sensible and ground heat fluxes over arid regions. J. Hydrometeor, 13, 1359-1370.
52) Jiang, D., X. Lang, Z. Tian, and T. Wang, 2012: Considerable model–data mismatch in temperature over China during the mid-Holocene: Results of PMIP simulations. Journal of Climate, 25, 4135–4153.
53) Zeng, X. and A. Wang, 2012: What is monthly mean land surface air temperature?. EOS, Vol, 93, No.15.
54) Liu Jiping, Judith A. Curry, Wang Huijun , Mirong Song, and Radley M. Horton, 2012: Impact of declining Arctic sea ice on winter snowfall. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, DOI:10.1073/, pnas.1114910109, .
55) Zhang,Z.S., F. Flatoy, H.J. Wang, I. Bethke, M. Bentsen, Z.T. Guo, 2012: Early Eocene Asian climate dominated by desert and steppe with limited monsoons. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 44, 24-35.
1) Wang A., Dennis P. Lettenmaier, and J. Sheffield, 2011: Soil moisture drought in China, 1950-2006. J. Climate, 24, 3257-3271.
2) 田向军,谢正辉, 王爱慧, 杨晓春, 2011: 一种求解贝叶斯模型平均的新方法. 中国科学, 41, 1:1-9.
3) Wang, Huijun, 2011: A new prediction model for tropical storm frequency over the western North Pacific using observed winter-spring precipitation and geopotential height at 500 hPa. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 25(3), 262-271.
4) 燕青,张仲石,王会军,姜大膀,郑伟鹏, 2011: 上新世中期海洋表面温度变化及其与古气候重建数据对比. 科学通报, 6, 423-432.
5) 孙建奇,王会军,袁薇, 2011: 我国极端高温事件的年代际变化及其与大气环流的联系. 气候与环境研究, 16(2), 199-208.
6) 马洁华,王会军,张颖, 2011: 北极夏季无海冰状态时的东亚气候变化数值模拟研究. 气候变化研究进展, 7 (3), 162-170.
7) Yue, X., Liao, H., Wang, H. J., Li, S. L., and Tang, J. P, 2011: Role of sea surface temperature responses in simulation of the climatic effect of mineral dust aerosol,. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 6049-6062.
8) Yue, X., Wang, H. J., Liao, H., and Jiang, D. B, 2011: Simulation of the direct radiative effect of mineral dust aerosol on the climate at the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Climate, 24, 843-858.
9) Wang Huijun, Yu Entao, Yang Song, 2011: An exceptionally heavy snowfall in Northeast China: large-scale circulation anomalies and hindcast of the NCAR WRF model. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys, 113, 11-25.
10) Jiang, D., X. Lang, Z. Tian, and D. Guo, 2011: Last glacial maximum climate over China from PMIP simulations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 309, 347-357.
11) Zhu,Y. L. H. J. Wang, W. Zhou, and J. H. Ma, 2011: Recent changes in the summer precipitation pattern in East China and the background circulation. Climate Dynamics, 36, 1463-1473.
12) Zhu, Y. L., 2011: A seasonal prediction model for the summer rainfall in Northeast China using the year-to-year increment approach. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 4, 146-150.
13) Sun, B., Y. L. Zhu, H. J. Wang, 2011: The Recent Interdecadal and Interannual Variation of Water Vapor Transport over Eastern China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28(5), 1039-1048.
14) Sun, J.Q., and H.P. Chen, 2011: Predictability of western North Pacific typhoon activity and its factors using DEMETER coupled models. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56, 3474-3479.
15) Yu Entao, Wang Huijun, Gao Yongqi, Sun Jianqi, 2011: Impacts of Cumulus Convective Parameterization Schemes on Summer Monsoon Precipitation Simulation over China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 25, .
16) Wang Huijun, Yu Entao and Yang Song, 2011: An exceptionally heavy snowfall in Northeast china: large-scale circulation anomalies and hindcast of the NCAR WRF model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 113, 11-25.
17) 马洁华, 王会军, 张颖, 2011: 北极夏季无海冰状态时的东亚气候变化数值模拟研究. 气候变化研究进展, 7(3), 178-183.
18) Zhu Yali, Wang Huijun, Zhou Wen, and Ma Jiehua, 2011: Recent changes in the summer precipitation pattern in East China and the background circulation. Climate Dynamics, 36(7-8), 1463-1473.
19) Jiang, D., Y. Zhang, and X. Lang, 2011: Vegetation feedback under future global warming. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 106, 211–227.
20) 马洁华, 王会军, 张颖,, 2011: 北极夏季无海冰状态时的东亚气候变化数值模拟研究. 气候变化研究进展, 7(3), 178-183.
21) 孙博,祝亚丽,王会军, 2011: The recent interdecadal and interannual variation of water vapor transport over eastern China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28, 1039–1048.
22) Luo, F., S. Li, and T. Furevik, 2011: The connection between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and the Indian Summer Monsoon in Bergen Climate Model Version 2.0. J. Geophys. Res., 116, doi: 10.1029/2011JD015848.
23) Guo Donglin, Yang Meixue, Wang Huijun, 2011: Characteristics of land surface heat and water exchange under different soil freeze/thaw conditions over the central Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2531–2541.
24) Guo Donglin, Yang Meixue, Wang Huijun, 2011: Sensible and latent heat flux response to diurnal variation in soil surface temperature and moisture under different freeze/thaw soil conditions in the seasonal frozen soil region of the central Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 63, 97–107.
25) Jiang Dabang, Lang Xianmei, Tian Zhiping, Guo Donglin, 2011: Last glacial maximum climate over China from PMIP simulations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 309, 347–357.
1) Wang, T.,H.J. Wang,and D.B. Jiang, 2010: Mid-Holocene East Asian summer climate as simulated by the PMIP2 models. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 288, 93-102.
2) WANG Huijun and ZHANG Ying, 2010: Model Projections of East Asia Summer Climate under the ‘Free Arctic’ Scenario. ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 3(3), 176-180.
3) Xu Yue, Huijun Wang, Hong Liao and Ke Fan, 2010: Simulation of dust aerosol radiative feedback using the GMOD:2. Dust-climate interactions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 115, D04201, doi:10.1029/2009JD012063.
4) Jianqi Sun, Huijun Wang and Wei Yuan,, 2010: Linkage of the Boreal Spring Antarctic Oscillation to the West African Summer Monsoon. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 88, 15-28.
5) Yali Zhu, Huijun Wang, Wen Zhou, Jiehua Ma, 2010: Recent changes in the summer precipitation pattern in East China and the background circulation. Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-010-0852-9, .
6) 王会军,张颖,郎咸梅, 2010: 论短期气候预测的对象问题. 气候与环境研究, 15(3), 225-228.
7) WANG Huijun and QIAN Zhuolei, 2010: A potential high-score Scheme for the seasonal prediction of Atlantic storm activity. ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 3(2), 116−119.
8) Xianmei Lang and Huijun Wang, 2010: Improving Extraseasonal Summer Rainfall Prediction by Merging Information from GCMs and Observations. WEATHER AND FORECASTING, 25, 1263-1274.
9) Jianqi Sun, Huijun Wang, Wei Yuan and Huopo Chen, 2010: Spatial‐temporal features of intense snowfall events in China and their possible change. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 115, D16110, doi:10.1029/2009JD0134.
10) ZHANG Ying,WANG Huijun,SUN Jianqi,Helge DRANGE, 2010: Changes in the Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Index over the Western North Pacific in the SRES A2 Scenario. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(6), 1246-1258.
11) YUE Xu,WANG Huijun,LIAO Hong,FAN Ke, 2010: Direct Climatic Effect of Dust Aerosol in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3) . Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(2), , 230-242.
12) ZHU Yali,WANG Huijun, 2010: The Relationship between the Aleutian Low and the Australian Summer Monsoon at Interannual Time Scales. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(1), 177-184.
13) ANG Jun and WANG Huijun, 2010: The Relationship between Total Ozone and Local Climate at Kunming Using Dobson and TOMS Data. ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 3(4), 207-212.
14) Wang Tao, WANG Huijun, and Jiang Dabang, 2010: Mid-Holocene East Asian summer climate as simulated by the PMIP2 models. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 288, 93-102.
15) Yu Entao, Wang Huijun, and Sun Jianqi, 2010: A Quick Report on a Dynamical Downscaling Simulation over China Using the Nested Model. tmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 3, 325-329.
16) Sun, J.Q., H.J. Wang, W. Yuan, and H.P. Chen, 2010: Spatial‐temporal features of intense snowfall events in China and their possible change. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115,D16110, doi:10.1029/2009JD013541.
17) Zhu, Y. L., and H. J. Wang, 2010: The relationship between the Aleutian Low and the Australian summer monsoon at interannual time scales. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27, 177-184.
18) 陈晓丽,沈学顺,陈活泼, 2010: 陆面过程对2007年淮河流域强降水数值预报的影响分析 . 热带气象学报, 26(6), 667-679.
19) WANG Jun and WANG Hui-Jun, 2010: The Relationship between Total Ozone and Local Climate at Kunming Using Dobson and TOMS Data. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 3(4), 207-212.
20) Zonghu Liao, Yang Hong, Jun Wang , etc., 2010: Prototyping an experimental early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Indonesia using satellite remote sensing and geospatial datasets. Landslides, 7, 317-324.
21) Zhang Y., H. J. Wang, J. Q. Sun, H. Drange,, 2010: Changes in the Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Index Over the Western North Pacific in the SRES A2 Scenario. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(6), 1246-1258.
22) 张颖, 王会军, 2010, 2010: 全球变暖情景下西北太平洋地区台风活动背景场气候变化的预估. 气象学报, 68(4), 539-549.
23) 王会军, 张颖, 郎咸梅, , 2010: 论短期气候预测的对象问题. 气候与环境研究, 15(3), 225-228.
24) Wang H. J. and Y. Zhang, , 2010: Model Projections of East Asia Summer Climate under the “Free Arctic” Scenario. Atmospheric and Oceanic Letters, 3(3), 176-180.
25) Yang Meixue, Nelson F., Shiklomanov N., Guo Donglin, 2010: Permafrost degradation and its environmental effects on the Tibetan Plateau: A review of recent research. Earth-Science Reviews, 103, 31–44.
26) 郭东林, 杨梅学, 2010: SHAW模式对青藏高原中部季节冻土区土壤温、湿度的模拟. 高原气象, 29, 1369–1377.
1) 王会军, 王涛, 姜大膀, 富元海, 2009: 我国气候变化将比模式预期的小吗?. 第四纪研究, 29, 1011-1014.
2) Wang A. , T. J. Bohn, S. P. Mahanama, R. D. Koster, and D. P. Lettenmaier, 2009: Multimodel ensemble reconstruction of drought over the continental United States. J. Climate, 22, 2694-2712.
3) Wang A.and X. Zeng, 2009: Improving the treatment of the vertical snow burial fraction over short vegetation in the NCAR CLM3. Adv. Atmo. Sci, 26, 877-886.
4) Huijun Wang and Ke Fan, 2009: A New Scheme for Improving the Seasonal Prediction of Summer Precipitation Anomalies. Weather and Forecasting, 24, 548–554.
5) Ke Fan and Huijun Wang, 2009: A New Approach to Forecasting Typhoon Frequency over the Western North Pacific. WEATHER AND FORECASTING, 24, 74-986.
6) Wang Huijun, and Jianqi Sun, 2009: Variability of Northeast China River Break-up Date. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(4), 701-706.
7) 王会军,王涛,姜大膀,富元海, 2009: 我国气候变化将比模式预期的小吗?. 第四纪研究, 29(6), 1011-1014.
8) Jianqi Sun, Huijun Wang and Wei Yuan, 2009: Role of the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature in the decadal change of the summer North Atlantic Oscillation. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 114, D20110, doi:10.1029/2009JD012395.
9) Chen, H.P., and J.Q. Sun, 2009: How the Best Models Project the Future Precipitation Change in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(4), 773-782. PDF
10) Zhu, Y. L., 2009: The Antarctic Oscillation-East Asian Summer Monsoon Connections in NCEP-1 and ERA-40. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26, 707-716. PDF
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12) Jiang, D., Y. Zhang, and J. Sun, , 2009: Ensemble projection of 1–3°C warming in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(18), 3326–3334.
13) 郭东林, 杨梅学, 屈鹏, 等, 2009: 能量和水分循环过程研究:回顾与探讨. 冰川冻土, 31, 1116–1126. PDF
14) 屈鹏, 郭东林, 2009: 祁连山东部近50年气候特征变化分析. 干旱区资源与环境, 23, 66–70. PDF
15) 屈鹏, 杨梅学, 郭东林, 等, 2009: RegCM3模式对青藏高原夏季气温和降水的模拟. 高原气象, 28, 738–744. PDF
16) 郭东林, 杨梅学, 李敏, 等, 2009: 青藏高原中部季节冻土区地表能量通量的模拟分析. 高原气象, 28, 978–987. PDF
1) 林朝晖,刘辉志,谢正辉,王爱慧,刘少锋, 2008: 陆面水文过程研究进展. 大气科学, 32, 935-949.
2) Ning Zeng, Yihui Ding, Jiahua Pan, Huijun Wang, Jay Gregg, 2008: Climate Change—the Chinese Challenge. Science, 318, 730-731.
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2) 王涛, 徐鸣洁, 王良书, 刘绍文, 胡旭芝, 2007: 鄂尔多斯及邻区航磁异常特征及其大地构造意义. 地球物理学报, 50(1), 163-170.
3) Zeng X.B. and A. Wang, 2007: Consistent parameterization of above-canopy turbulence for sparse and dense canopies in Land Models. J. Hydrometeor, 8, 730-737.
4) 王会军,孙建奇,范可, 2007: 北太平洋涛动与台风和飓风频次的关系研究. 中国科学(D), 37(7), 966~973.
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4) 苏明峰,王会军, 2006: 中国气候干湿变率与ENSO的关系及其稳定性. 中国科学(D), 36(10), 951-958.
5) Botao Zhou and Huijun Wang, 2006: Relationship between the boreal spring Hadley circulation and the summer precipitation in the Yangtze River Valley. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D16109, doi:10.1029/2005JD0070006.
6) 范可,王会军, 2006: 有关南半球大气环流与东亚气候的关系研究的若干新进展. 大气科学, 30(3), 402-412 .
7) 王会军,郎咸梅,范可,孙建奇,周广庆, 2006: 关于2006 年西太平洋台风活动频次的气候预测试验. 气候与环境研究, 11(2), 133-137.
8) 王会军,范可, 2006: 南半球对流层上层纬向风与东亚夏季风环流. 科学通报, 51(13), 1595-1600.
9) 范可,王会军,, 2006: 南极涛动的年际变化及其对东亚冬春季气候的影响. 中国科学(D 辑) 地球科学, 36(4), 385-391.
10) Wang Huijun, 2006: Linkage Between the Northeast Mongolian Precipitation and the Northern Hemisphere Zonal Circulation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23(5), 659–664.
11) 王会军, 范可, 2006: 西北太平洋台风生成频次与南极涛动的关系. 科学通报, 51(24), 2910-2914.
12) Zhang Zhongshi, Wang H. J., Guo Zhengtang, Jiang Dabang, 2006: What triggers the transition of palaeoenvironmental patterns in China, the Tibetan Plateau uplift or the Paratethys Sea retreat?. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 245, 317-331 .
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2) 曾庆存,曾晓东,王爱慧, 2005: 大气和植被生态及土壤系统水文过程相互作用的一些研究. 大气科学, 29, 7-19.
3) WANG Huijun, 2005: The Circum-Pacific Teleconnection Pattern in Meridional Wind in the High Troposphere. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 22(3), 463–466.
4) Huijun Wang and Ke Fan, 2005: Central-north China precipitation as reconstructed from the Qing dynasty: Signal of the Antarctic Atmospheric Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L24705, doi:10.1029/2005GL024562.
5) 康杜娟,王会军, 2005: 中国北方沙尘暴气候形势的年代际变化. 中国科学(D), 35(11, 1096-1102.
6) 孙建奇,王会军, 2005: 北极涛动与太平洋年代际振荡的关系. 科学通报, 50(15), 1648-1653.
7) 王会军, 2005: 来自大气内部的季节气候可预测性初探. 大气科学, 29(1), 64-70.
8) 姜大膀,王会军, 2005: 20世纪后期东亚夏季风年代际减弱的自然属性. 科学通报, 50(20), 2256-2262. 9) Jiang Dabang, Wang Huijun, Ding Zhongli, Lang Xianmei,Drange Helge, 2005: Modeling the middle Pliocene climate with a global atmospheric general circulation model. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 110, D14107.
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2) Fan Ke, and Wang Hui-Jun, 2004: Antarctic oscillation and the dust weather frequency in North China. Geophys. Res. Lett, 31, L10201, doi:10.1029/2004GL019465.
3) Feng Xue, Huijun Wang and Jinhai He, 2004: Interannual variability of Mascarene high and Australian high and their influences on East Asian summer monsoon. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 82(4),, 1173-1186.
4) 王会军,徐永福,周天军,陈洪滨,王普才,陆日宇,张美根, 2004: 大气科学:一个充满活力的前沿科学. 地球科学进展, 19(4), 525-532.
1) 林朝晖,张铭,梁丹青,王爱慧,张东凌,曾庆存, 2003: 分块地形坐标大气环流模式动力框架及其积分结果分析. 科学通报, z1, 25-32 .
2) Jiang Dabang, Wang Huijun, Helge Drange, and Lang Xianmei, 2003: Last glacial maximum over China: Sensitivities of climate to paleovegetation and Tibetan ice-sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 4102, doi:10.1029/2002JD002167.
3) 王会军, 薛峰, 2003: 索马里急流的年际变化及其对半球间水汽输送和东亚夏季降水的影响. 地球物理学报, 46(1), 18-25.
4) 王会军, 2003: 2002年亚洲北部的超强暖冬事件及其超常大气环流. 科学通报, 48(7), 734-736.
5) 王会军,郎咸梅,周广庆,康杜鹃, 2003: 我国今冬和明春气候异常与沙尘气候形势的模式预测初步报告. 大气科学, 27(1), 136-140.
6) 郎咸梅,王会军 ,姜大膀, 2003: 中国冬季气候可预测性的跨季度集合数值预测研究. 科学通报, 48(15), 1700-1704.
7) 王会军, 2003: 2003与2002:大幅度冬季温度异常反转事件及其异常大气环流. 科学通报, 48(S2), 1-4.
1) Wang Hui-Jun, Xue Feng, and Zhou Guang-Qing, 2002: The spring monsoon in South China and its relationship to large-scale circulation features. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 19(4), 651-664.
2) Wang Hui-Jun, 2002: The instability of the East Asian summer monsoon ENSO relations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences , 19(1), 1-11.
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2) Wang Hui-Jun, 2001: The Weakening of the Asian Monsoon Circulation after the End of 1970s. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 18(3), 376-386 .
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1) Wang H.J, 2000: The interannual variability of the East Asian monsoon and its relationship with SST in a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land climate model. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 17(1), 31-47.
2) Wang H.J, G.Q. Zhou, and Y. Zhao, 2000: An effective method for correcting the seasonal-interannual prediction of summer climate anomaly. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 17, 234-240.
3) 王会军, 2000: 关于我国几个大水年大气环流特征的几点思考. 应用气象学报, 11(增刊), 79-86.
4) Wang Hui-Jun, 2000: The seasonal climate and low frequency oscillation in the simulated mid-Holocene Megathermal climate. Adv. Atmos. Sci, 17(3), 445-457.
5) Wang Hui-Jun, Taroh Matsuno, and Yoshio Kurihara, 2000: Ensemble Hindcast Experiments for the Flood Period over China in 1998 by Use of the CCSR/NIES Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 78(4), 357-365.
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