郭东林(Guo Donglin).研究员(Professor)

郭东林  研究员  博士/硕士生导师


主要从事陆气相互作用研究,侧重多年冻土变化及影响的数值模拟与机理、寒区气候变化及机理;发表第一作者SCI论文21篇,含Science Bulletin,PNAS,ERL,JGR等。


Donglin Guo, professor, supervisor of PhD/MS

2006, Bachelor, Lanzhou University;
2012, PhD, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS;
2020, Professor, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS; 

Research area is land-atmosphere interactions, with a focus on permafrost simulation and climate change in cold regions.

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